AMENDED December 5,1984, August 12,1985, December 3,1991, December 6,1995, December 9, 1999, December 4, 2001, December 6, 2012 and June 16, 2022
The name of the Association shall be the “COLORADO ASSESSORS’ ASSOCIATION.”
The Colorado Assessors’ Association is dedicated to “Valuing Colorado” with the highest standards of professionalism, using the broadest application of proper appraisal methods, techniques and standards available, in order to assure statewide equalization in the valuation of real and personal property, while maintaining the principle of local control; to provide information to the public so they might acquire a better understanding of the appraisal and assessment process; and to assist with and provide information to the Colorado General Assembly, in order to achieve a “Fair and Equitable” ad valorem system.
1. The Association shall direct its activities to matters pertaining to the appraisal of real and personal property and the administration of the property tax system. The Association shall support initiatives intended to educate citizens, industry and governmental officials in regard to the separation between the appraisal function and the levying and collection of property tax revenues.
2. The Association shall promote the highest standards of professionalism in statewide appraisal practice and the broadest application of scientific techniques and standards in such practice. To accomplish these objectives, the Association will:
(a) Support the professional educational standards established by the International Association of Assessing Officers.
(b) Support and adhere to the Code of Ethics established by the International Association of Assessing Officers.
(c) Support the Standards of Appraisal Practice established by the International Association of Assessing Officers.
(d) Recommend additions and changes to educational programs offered by the Division of Property Taxation.
3. The Association shall support statewide equalization in the valuation of real and personal property for assessment purposes.
4. The Association shall support the principle of local control, particularly of areas pertaining to property assessment.
5. The Association shall support efforts to keep procedures and administrative processes relative to assessment simple and cost effective.
6. The Association shall promote public understanding of appraisal processes, appraisal and assessment standards, appeal processes and levying authorities.
7. The Association shall develop and maintain effective communications with other associations and organizations on which assessment practices have an impact.
1. Each Colorado assessor is eligible for regular membership.
2. Each regular member shall have one vote in matters relating to Association business.
3. Any person who is interested in assessment for taxation is eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall not hold office in the Association or vote on Association business.
4. The Property Tax Administrator shall be an ex officio member but shall not hold office in the Association or vote on Association business.
5. All past member assessors shall be honorary members with the privilege of the floor at regular meetings but shall not vote on Association business.
Association dues of regular members shall be determined by vote of the Association at any general membership meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose. The Treasurer may issue change in dues notices upon category changes and to direct the Executive Board to review the dues structure every two years and when categories change. Dues of associate members shall be established by the Executive Board.
1. President: The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and shall preside at all general membership and special meetings and at all Executive Board meetings. The President shall perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive Board.
2. Vice Presidents: There shall be two Vice Presidents, 1st and 2nd, 1st being senior, who shall assist the President, and in the absence of the President, the Vice Presidents, in order of their designation, shall exercise the rights, duties and privileges of the President.
3. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board, for all notices required by these bylaws or by order of the Executive Board and for a record of actions taken at all official meetings. The Secretary shall perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive Board.
4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Association funds and shall have the authority to expend such funds with the authorization of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the Association and shall report at the winter general membership meeting the status of all financial accounts. The Treasurer shall produce the financial records on demand by any member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit an annual budget to the Executive Board.
5. District Chairs: The Chairs of the districts shall be elected by the members of the respective districts. The Chairs shall preside at district meetings and shall serve as members of the Executive Board.
6. Terms of Office: All terms of office, except Secretary and Treasurer, shall be for one year and shall commence after election at the winter general membership meeting. The Secretary and Treasurer’s terms shall be for two years and shall be staggered. The Secretary shall be elected for a One Year Term at the 2001 winter general membership meeting and the Treasurer shall be elected for a Two Year Term at said meeting. Thereafter, the Secretary will be elected in the odd numbered years and the Treasurer in the even numbered years.
1. The affairs of the Association shall be under the direction of an Executive Board consisting of the Officers, District Chairs and immediate Past President of the Association. In the event the immediate Past President is unavailable to serve, the position shall be held by the immediate predecessor. If this person is also unavailable, the current President shall appoint a past president to serve.
2. The Executive Board shall transact such business throughout the year as the Association shall designate at its general membership and special meetings and shall make decisions on all emergencies that shall arise between such meetings.
3. The duties of the Executive Board shall include:
(a) Consulting with the Property Tax Administrator on matters pertaining to the functions of the assessor’s office.
(b) Cooperating with the executive and legislative branches of state government concerning the development of property tax laws.
(c) Causing an annual review, plus any additional audits as necessary, to be conducted of Association funds and financial records. The Treasurer shall report the findings to the Executive Board.
(d) Initiating and executing actions to fulfill the projects and purposes of the Association.
(e) Overseeing the activities and responsibilities of the Executive Director.
(f) Reviewing and approving all contracts involving the Association.
(g) Approving an annual budget. The fiscal year shall be October 1 through September 30. Expenditures shall not exceed revenues of the Association during any fiscal year except that the Executive Board may establish a reserve for contingencies which may be allocated at the direction of the President with the majority consent of the Executive Officers.
4. Vacancies: If any member of the Executive Board should leave the position of county assessor for any reason, the Board position shall be declared vacant. If the vacated office is that of President, 1st or 2nd Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer, the Executive Board shall, by majority vote, appoint an eligible assessor to fill such vacancy. If the vacated office is that of District Chair, the District shall appoint an assessor from the district to fill the vacancy. All appointees shall continue in office until the next election of Association officers for that office.
1. An Executive Director may be retained by the Association through contract. The selection shall be made by the Executive Board. The Executive Director may be removed, for cause, at any time by a two-thirds vote of the entire Executive Board.
2. The Executive Director shall be responsible for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Association under the direction of the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall be responsible for any liaison efforts authorized by the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall perform such other functions and duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Executive Board.
1. The Association through contract may retain a lobbyist, or lobbying firm. The selection shall be made by the Executive Board, or a committee designated by the Board. The lobbyist(s) may be removed, for cause, at any time by a two-thirds vote of the entire Executive Board.
2. The lobbyist shall be responsible for reviewing legislation, tracking targeted bills, providing lobbying services as directed by the Board, coordinating meetings with legislators and others involved in the legislative process. The lobbyist(s) shall perform other functions and duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Board.
1. Executive Board Meetings: The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President at least four times during each calendar year. The Executive Board will meet prior to the winter general membership meeting of the Association for the principal purpose of reviewing and approving the budget for the ensuing year. Additional meetings, as necessary, may be called by the President or by any two members of the Board. Six members shall constitute a quorum.
2. General Membership Meetings: The Association shall have an annual general membership meeting in the winter for the purpose of electing officers and conducting the other affairs of the Association. There shall also be a general Membership meeting each summer.
3. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Association may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the Executive Officers. Quorum for general and special membership meetings shall be at least 50% of the member assessors.
4. An assessor member who is unable to attend a meeting may designate a proxy in writing.
5. Each assessor member is entitled to one vote.
6. Notice of Meetings: Upon direction from the Executive Board, the Secretary is responsible for written notice to all member assessors of the date, time and place of all general membership meetings. Notice of the winter general membership meeting shall be given at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be given at least 10 days prior to the meeting.
1. The establishment of committees, other than the standing committees, shall be at the discretion of the President who shall also appoint committee chairs. Committee membership shall be open to all regular members.
2. The specific duties, responsibilities and authority of the committees and their relationship to the Executive Director shall be clearly delineated by the President.
3. Standing committees shall be as follows:
(a) Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee shall be responsible for the review and determination of the Association’s position on pending legislation that affects property valuation and assessment. It shall also provide guidance and direction for the Executive Director in lobbying efforts. The committee shall cause a report to be issued at least every other week during the legislative session to the general membership on legislative matters of interest to the Association.
(b) Nominating Committee: The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee, composed of at least three members, to prepare an official slate of candidates for presentation to the membership at the winter general membership meeting. Members of the Executive Board may not serve on the Nominating Committee. The slate may contain two or more candidates for each office. After the official slate has been presented to the membership, nominations may be made from the floor.
(c) Resolutions Committee: The President shall appoint a Resolutions Committee composed of at least three members. (See Article X.)
4. Special committees shall consist of Agriculture, Oil & Gas, Education, Ski & Recreation, Natural Resources and others as needed.
1. Resolutions shall be submitted to the Resolutions Committee no later than 20 days prior to winter and summer general membership meetings or seven days prior to any special meeting.
2. The Resolutions Committee is authorized to reject resolutions submitted on issues not relevant to the general membership or not within the stated purposes of the Association.
3. Resolutions shall be introduced by the Resolutions Committee to the general membership by being read into the record. District Chairs shall be charged with leading discussion on the resolutions during district meetings.
4. Resolutions involving future legislative activity should be presented at the summer general membership meeting. To be declared passed; a Legislative Resolution shall require an affirmative majority vote by the quorum, upon second reading. At the discretion of the President, the second reading may consist of a roll call vote.
5. The question of whether a resolution is legislative or not will be determined by a majority vote of the Resolutions Committee.
6. Resolutions may be accepted from the floor upon a majority vote of the regular members present at the first reading of resolutions.
The latest edition of Robert’s Revised Rules of Order shall govern all deliberations during meetings of the Association and its committees, unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws.
The Bylaws of the Colorado Assessors’ Association may be amended by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the regular members present at any general or special membership meeting at which a quorum is in attendance. The Secretary shall cause to be distributed to each regular member of the Association, a copy of the proposed Bylaw amendments at least 14 days prior to any meeting at which a vote on the Bylaws will be taken
Article XIV: Education Funds
Immediately following the 2022 CAA Winter Conference, excess funds over $45,000 in the CAA Education account will be transferred to the CAA Operating account. The balance of the CAA Education account shall not exceed $45,000 following each annual CAA Winter Conference unless otherwise directed by the CAA Executive Board. Any future excess funds shall be allocated as directed by the CAA Executive Board.